The Republicans and Racism
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A person called CNN after election night when Biden had been declared the winner, and left a message they put on an air loop that said "I am so tired of everyone saying Republican are racist and White Supremacists . . . " to that effect. It takes the British to research and document the answer for this guy - and he won't like the fact the depiction is actually proven to be true. Read this => It seems some people calling themselves Republicans do not know the real history of the Party.
John Dean, President Nixon's in house counsel compared Trump to Nixon, and rightfully noted that Trump himself as a President actually did nothing - he let the Republicans in the Congress have free reign, and so you could say Mitch McConnell was the President. He said Nixon was a choir boy compared to Trump. See
Mary Trump - in a post Trump era as President interview sets and rings the alarm bell clearly here => here "Bellingcat" at the end of this interview explains the QAnon - inteernet era gullibility of who are Trump followers. But the best explaination of the Q-Anon and intenet movement is uncovered here by VICE news in a three part series that at this writing can be found at and at vice directly at
Finally now in a post Trump era - it comes to light that once again the wife was behind the scene like Nancy Reagan was controlling a a fragile and dim-witted ma 25 years her senior who could not bear for her to walk out on him, though clearly they did not even share a bed - and had separate bedrooms, and she even did not want to come to Washington until she got a better pre-nup to do so. Smart woman who beat trump at his own game as a now irrelevant 74 year old man. See
This is as close a comparison to Nazi Germany as can be politically correctly made as possible without actually saying that here
Lately many people are flat out in the press openly calling the Republican party out as having always been Racist based as Rep. Ruben Marinelarena Gallego literally says the Arizona GOP 'rode the wave of white supremacy' for many years See He is correct in that the earliest effort in living memory was Barry Goldwater who caused a once majority Black Republican party for all of its Blackmembers to fllee - and see the history here => which came to be known as "The Southern Strategy" - an openly racist view and plan to the Presidency. See So for all of living memory for anyone alive today - they know what the Republican Party has been since the Black exodus that NPR article above describes. The difference is today many of Americans "don't play that" any longer. Thomas Friedman put it best in his New York Times OP-Ed "Trump Is Blowing Apart the G.O.P. God Bless Him". found at with a local copy here
The root question is why was it so important to so many people they would risk their lawful record of a civil existence on Mr. Trump; the most terrible and destructive president in history. Of course they do not see him that way but read this => More an more Americans in the media have come to adopt that Mr. Trump has a charismatic cult like control over those who follow him. People who cannot or do not have a position of principles themselves are most gullible. Erin Burnett at CNN put this together. and CNN's John Avlon put this together => and CNN's Griana Keilar looks at the "survivors and casualties of the Trump era here => Andrew McCabe compares Capitol attack to Benghazi attack as to charisma power here =>
But not only do the Republicans have a Racism problem, they have a "crazy" nutjob problem with more than just one member but at the top is Marjorie Taylor Greene right now. Ms. Greene is really occupying a lot of time debating her. See and
The Party of Law and Order they cannot claim to be . . . see and realize Trump wanted to keep focus on Antifa as right-wing extremism rose => see and and Trump really wanted to cause violence in america such that Axios reporter Jonathan Swan said it 'Almost ended in a physical fight': as he describes December Trump meeting see Now I do not care how much anyone does not like CNN - these are no "opinion" reports these are facts and things from other people's mouths. None of these Trump supporters can claim anything they say is so important beyond simply Tribalism as in a Cult like homage to Mr. Trump. Trump a man who lies and promotes racism for all to see.
This is and remains about racism in trying to manipulate the voting process because in reality racists are not in enough plentiful supply to win elections. See One has to wonder just what "freedoms" are so important they think is being taken from them, and why they cannot accept abortion rights as the law of the land and leave it lone - it is the law - for the party of law and order not for them. Instead they have become the party of lies and change the rules in the middle of the game of lies. It is hard to imagine how anyone with good sense thinks this works . . . but then their is Mr. Trump with over 30,000 fact checked lies in his tenure in office, and why others think it worked for him - when in reality it didn't.
Mitch McConnell calls GOP lawmaker's conspiracy theories 'loony, cancer for the party' and it took too long for him to wake up - but then again at this writing he is 78 years old too. But still to Chuck Schumer: Mitch McConnell is 'appalling' - and in realty he is - see but the democrats have to thank him in part for the Georgia win where McConnell's stubbornness sold those two seats to the Democrat after Biden said - "send the revernd and Ossloff to Washington we will get those checks out the door forthwith"
Republicans with good sense are bailing from the party fast, and many corporate donors are too. See and and
Then you have the newest loose head Republicans coming into Congress like Marjorie Taylor Greene. and and one of the worst where she says "freedom is the price of blood" - what freedom - and why ?? See and and many are saying that Trump is still driving the Republican Party. Trump was not popular at all until the Charlottesville White Supremacy incident - so just who are they supporting and who are the followers. Do these people not put two and two together or do they know exactly what they promoting ?? Josh Hawley is just outright obstructionist to anything Biden and moving forward the country. See See Nancy Pelosi offers some pretty damning information about Marjorie Taylor Green here =>
In the meantime - people as arrested from the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol are now discovering how serious their stupidity really was as they try to get out of jail on bail or without bail by blaming Trump. See But it becoming clear to many and the country just how Tribal the Republican party is with absolutely no rational politicl platform except just plain Tribalism and belief that Trump was a "great" President. See Of course the truth is Trump bankrupted the country and headed down a climate change black hole. See and there is a four part video documentary about Trump called "The Trump Show" and there is an "Episode 0" you can manipulate the browser to get to from the Brits at BBC and there is an "Episode 0 you can manipulate the browser to get to. How and why does one stand behind this kind of result calling him a great President?? A sane mind cannot but one with a preconceived agenda does, and that is why and what the donors done with the Republican party are saying without directly calling it a now racist or hate based crack-pot and conspiracy theory organization.
Here is the most interesting part that proves Trump supporters are both gullible, stupid and racist. First none of them can point to how Trump was a good president because to anyone who knows how to run a Government and especially the American Government, Trump was the worst and most destructive President in history both Governmentally and socially speaking. Here is what Trump REALLY did - he used the stupidity and gullibility of these people to stoke their suppressed Racist tendencies and anger to bring it to the surface and exploit it. See this article Trump Reaps $207.5 Million After Loss as Donors Answer His Fury at and Trump unveils $207 million fundraising haul after election in effort to overturn result | Reuters at It is said at this writing Trump has about 70 million dollars of that left.. Then the US Supreme Court let Trump off the hook for quiet slush money Trump got from foreign governments coming through Trump hotels. Sometimes paying for empty rooms. See
But what Trump REALLY did was expose the seething cauldron of RACISM all across America and which has all landed and couched itself in the Republican party - the Redumblicans. The new dog whistle is "make America Great Again - thee MAGA claim, but how is this to be done - according to them - it is to exclude minorities and ignore the institutionalized Racism - they actually represent. They call it now being "devisive". CNN has been wise to this dog whistle for years. Here Here is what Brian Stelter of CNN said, that America will never unite - and then at the end he too like Biden begs for the racists to turn down their "temperature" He has got to know, as Biden, that it will not happen. See The real issue is best seen in this report where more and more Republicans are realizing for them to stay in the Republican Party is to become a visibly Racist Redumblican. See These are people consumed with fire in their eyes that their Racist leader was thrown out.
Then we have Senators like where Rand Paul refuses to say election wasn't stolen: Politics updates See Is he Treasonous, of just plain "stupid" - and when the word "stupid is used it means "unable to make good sound judgments" which is the dictionary definition of the word. Be clear about this - if anyone can support Trump following his White supremacy sympathizing they too are the same - racist White Supremacy sympathizers even they though they try to call it something else like MAGA, or Patriotic. All of them miss and fail to understand the Preamble to the US Constitution. Mr. Trump was the first seditious president in recent history and he was anti-America according tot he Constitution. What Trump did was get these seditious insurrectionists to surface - which have always been there lurking under the surface calling themselves "Republicans".
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America ..." See
This means there is no place for Violence, Racism or Hate Speech, or Seditious or Insurrective speech in America, but Trump supporters are exactly the opposite, they are EXACTLY what is not allowed under the Constitution and it appears none of them have actually read the document. So what we see is Caucasians trying to find a way to excuse in disbelief th3y are Racists other Caucasians. But the world sees and knows. No one who knows how dim-witted Trump really is - is surprised he found a dumb and dim-witted core of people to support him.
Who else goes to a riotous insurrection attempt and takes cameras and cell phones to video the event and upload them for the world - a.k.a. law enforcement to use to track them down ?? How dumb are you ??? Pretty damn dumb. You are a Redumblican. Even knowing there are cell phones going to be there others are using - you are dumb to go to any of it. If you have a brain you can make your decision on who to vote for going to a website - reading what the platform is - and no Rally is ever needed. Guess what - that is how Joe Biden beat Trump by 7 million votes.
The sad reality is as shown by the article at Racial inequality: Biden aims to tackle another American crisis - CNNPolitics the truth is this is what they call "divisive" and it will anger Trump supporters even more. Be clear again . . . there is no way you support Trump unlike you ere a racist like he is. Trump has tried to teach slick speech for four years, but now it is just all out in the open and the ugliness of Trump, and what he did and was trying to do is a Genie that "ain't going back in the bottle" and so now law enforcement and American law will need to define that seditious and inssurrective speech is not free speech and that these people will need to be watched and addressed where they may be found all across America.
So Brian Stelter is correct above in his video report - and one can only hope Mr Biden and administration get it but it does not appear they will. Mr Biden does not realize what the election actually means. When Mr Trump made it so very clear he is racist and a horrific liar dim-witted and unable to comprehend science; and a wholly destructive figure in the Whitehouse, without the Electoral College none of this could have happened with a solid 7 million vote spread, the truth is Trump supporters are at least 43 percent of the country who are ALL closet racists.
Caucasian people want to keep blinders on and not see the dog whistle nature of Trump. No person in their right mind should be able to support anything Trump said beyond his first clear indication he was a White Supremacy sympathizer means you too are one or are on of the most idiotic and gullible low intellect people who frankly should not have a right to vote if their minds are insurrective and seditious. Instead maybe they should denounce their citizenship and leave the county. Go see who will take them in. With enough MONEY they can by a citizenship in several countries.
Instead Mr Trump tapped into the low intellect and under educated as a dim-witted base which can be manipulated into a vote to use the ridiculous math of the Electoral College to keep himself in the Whitehouse. So very unfit to serve all he had to do was convince these minions the Election was stolen.
These are people who do not think at all about serious issues of the United States and the World - the Planet - they cannot understand.
It is time to stop confusing free speech with incitement to insurrection and seditious conspiracy by broadcasting and allowing the broadcast this speech.
It is time to test people for racist and seditious views. It is time to move to a national Popular Vote for Electoral selection. It is time to strip citizenships and eject even natural born Americans from the country or at least from voting. The beginnings of how this is being done is currently called "implicit views" and one such site is and simply "Google" search "implicit views" to find others. The US Military has a "fitness for duty" procedure - see i.e. and the military has a unique way of weeding out racists really fast in basic military training - that works to eject many of those persons before they even get through Basic Training or Officer Candidate School. (OCS) Even People warned and cried out that a President should have one too - see
Dangerous and ugly yes, but there is a point when Americans turn on their government they should be ejected until the others get the message that racists and seditionist views don't live here, and let them see who will take them in.
Free Speech is not open seditious conduct or incitement to same - and this includes media and social media. Here is a particularly good example of lies from right wing media. It is titled "Wow! She actually said that': Cooper reacts to Fox Business host's false riot claim - CNN Video" Another anti American example of seditious and insurrectivee speech - not free speech and "This is how Fox News is describing the Biden administration" at CNN's John Avlon sums it up here titled "The Republicans who stood up to Trump were our bulwark" at It is a good bet bet these "news outlets" will come under legal fire very soon. Even though the "MAGA media looks to turn White House briefing room into a battlefield" they are more likely to get credentials canceled, access denied and themselves silenced in all forms of media for seditious speech. See See e.g. and Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969, and The point being still and yet free speech is NOT seditious or insurrective speech - and never can be by the Preamble of the Constitution itself. But these Trump supporters are dim-witted and do not know the law behind which they spout their activities are protected when in fac the opposite is true.
So the only way to unite the country is to silence these seditionist views and actively pursue them and test their mental and racial health for why they believe Mr Trump was so worth damaging their US Government and then if they cannot be reasoned with look at stripping their citizenships and ejecting them.
If they are not here to make a more perfect union then get out. Period
Biden, the DOJ, the FBI and Homeland are going to need to go down that kind of road to deprogram these cult brain washed people.
So to be blunt, they don't like Biden, and a female of color really can't stand Harris. Biden is being too weak "begging" Americans when what he should be doing is dropping bricks on them.
Mr Trump caused the need for a 1.9 Trillion COVID package because of his dim-wits letting the COVID scenario get out of control allowing festering and lying. These Redumblicans need to look to Trump for the cost. Still COVID is not going away and the race to vaccinate is not likely to work anyway because B and T cells will only stay around as long as the body has the vitamins minerals and amino acids to support them then you loose protection and get COVID and all the time before that you could be a Typhoid Mary carrying and spreading COVID.
The American economy is based on so much "in your face" socializing - Movies, Sports Events, Entertainment Parks, Travel and Transportation, Shopping and mass dining and even the Sex industry, a smart person will not go out again for some time to come - but it is a better bet COVID will mutate so fast - it will be found we as humans cannot keep up or beat it. this means the economy will not recover for some time - if ever
There was always and probably a better solution to COVID which WOULD have saved almost all deaths with Copper Allicin and immediate masking. See
Free Speech does not Trump hard science in a public Health crisis which once warned is instead actually murder when People refuse to comply. If you want to be dis-harmonious - leave the country The major of good sensed people do not want nor need you here.
So no Brian, they will not turn down the temperature until law enforcement pours cold water on them all over and over again
But the best and most blunt analysis - one where the former FBI director bluntly says "Stop saying I understand their position . . .but" . . . here => Former FBI adviser Philip Mudd reacts to Capitol riot, calls Trump a charismatic spark for extremism at But what he fails to understand is these people are mentally ill, and like a drug addict they can see no other than what they believe they need to be "right" for them. How people are so weak in their minds is unsettling - and they truly believe Mr. Trump. We as Americans are on the verge of breakdown:- a data scientist's take on Trump and Biden , See =>
When one of the rioters was caught and arrested and charged with 14 Federal Criminal counts, his lawyer said "it wasa all hyperbole". Yeah right - dumb-ass - you do not say theose kinds of things perior ever. See After all this Rioter was charged with threatening to 'assassinate' Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and a Capitol Police officer. A Redumblican - how dumb are you to put that on the internet and then try to say it was just "hyperbale" ??? Pretty damn dumb.
What we have here is a defining definition of intellect spread of people who live in the United States. Notice it is not said "fellow Americans", because they are not. These are people who couch racism in other names and excuses these are people who stupidity is impacting an ability of the US to move forward because they have such ridiculous and dim-witted beliefs. Here is how intellect and racism is linked - low intellect - high tendency to be racist. See for starters the new excuse today is couched in Constitutions and "deviseness" of Joe Biden. See How is Joe Biden "devisive" - maybe they mean "decisive" as in actually making a decision to help mankind with the Global Warming issue thus their lack of intellect not getting what is important - but to them it is NOT inclusion of all Americans it seems. It seems to them "devisive" means stop including people of color in fairness. and rights under the law. This is the Republican cry - and here is one GOP lawmaker when asked if she feels duped just sat their with a dumb look on here face. - because guess what - she is "dumb". Uh . . . what about those 7 million votes spread from Mr. Trump. ?? See . . . she is new - and is NOT a lawyer - see - and another who tried to couch his explanation of challenging the election on what the Constitution allows - when really all it says is the State Legislature has the power to define the manner in which electors are chosen - not the election not the ability to select them themselves. But of course he is not a lawyer - so as is with too many Law Makers today - too many are being sent to Congress nt knowing the law and trying to hide racism in law. Madison Cawthorn not only does he have NO EDUCATION - hs attempt at college brought "D" grades. He is a Mark Meadows protege, and his understanding of the law on the issue of the Constitution shows it - another newly elected Redumblican. See and then The Redumblicans are not the party of law and order - they are thee party of defying the law and rioting. See and here Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - known as "AOC" lays it out plainly - why do you need to bring a gun to Congress and try to sneak it in at that ??? See at least "AOC" actually attended Boston University, where she double-majored in international relations and economics, graduating cum laude. but they are not ALL stupid see but why would continue to call yourself a Republican when you are surrounded by Rebumblicans?? The values of the party are backwards looking - with their heads in the sand, with issues like abortion and Religion and Sexuality issues,while the Democrats like AOC are forward looking at true issues like Global Warming and the devise wealth spread. The Republicans are attracting and electing un-qualified Redumblicans and we wonder how the country will ever unite. It is not likely to, when thee Redumblicans are a gaggle of turkeys.
The sooner we get rid of the electoral College controlling by swing states the sooner this madness will stop as they will become the minority they really are. See article on home page Trump lost by 5 million votes.
Now the latest craziness is the newest Representative from Georgia has been discovered to have threatened to kill Nancy Pelosi and otherr Democrats as reported by CNN here => and this at then the Republicans are now complaining how they are being described as "White Supremacists" and other Racial ugly comparisons, here at and here where they call the claim for the need of unity is bogus and disingenuous here at
So now the Redumblicans are finding out that "votes" from racially motivated and seditionist and insurrective parties even though they are "votes" are more damaging that they are worth. See or the local copy at by Thomas Friedman, who was the first major media person as a columnist for the New York Times to call Mr. Trump, the Trumpism and Trumpites what they are - a cult - because they have no platform but only a homage to Trump himself the man who is the worst President in in any living memory. the only way Trump was elected was because so many people in the "right battleground states" did not want to vote for Hillary Clinton. there is a show on video media called "The Trump Show" where "The Mooch" - Anthony Scarmucci, says in the opening moments of the show "So is this about what happens when a lunatic crazy person becomes President". It is from BBC 2 - from the UK - at and at and at (there are four episodes and you can manipulate the browser by changing the number at the end of the above link to get through the episodes.) It is a BBC documentary on the full nightmare as only the Brits can so thoroughly do. Then see or from PBS Frontline. If you do not get it here is the reality of what the world is today - watch this movie called "The Planet of the Humans" found here and it basically says - trying to fix global warming is largely hopeless because the planet is already over-populated.
So for supporters of Trump - it is their lack of wisdom, and intellect that is their own stupidity to even get involved with a person like Trump - including all the Redumblicans for drinking the Kool-Aid of lies. Here is reality that Biden is now working hard to fix a trashed government =>
There is a saying - "if you lie down with wild dogs you will wake up with fleas" Here is a plain fact - those who were repulsed by Trump and his racist rhetoric abandoned their vote for him while voting still Republican down ticket. Some are calling them Trumplicans and Republicans - while in the Republicans there are "new" Republicans who are denouncing their party affiliation or crossing the "aisle" to do common sense things instead. But it has been the accurate party line for years. - Trump is just the first to say it and openly welcome and recruit the really far right wing extremists. In essence the Trump defectors got smart and rejected Trump which helped cost him the election. . Here is the reality - in 2015 Lindsay Graham called Mr. Trump a race baiting xenophobe who needs to go to Hell. Watch the interview here =>
The Republican party is split and for good reason being its own ideology conflicts with a free Democratic Society like America is. And then there are the party riders who are racists found a home to hide under the word "conservatism". Well unfortunately "conservatism" is too at its core - racism. It is a judgmental ideology couched in morals and religion and people who look and think alike. It is NOT accepting of others or even in any interest to hear them out.
Now do not get me wrong, as even I agree with most conservatism views - but the difference is I know they will not work without an iron fist called today socialism or communism. One of the biggest hot buttons is the pro-life movement. It was not so much a concern as long as social values of abstinence form sex was practiced, preached and made taboo pregnancy and sex outside of wedlock. As soon as that went - so too did any hope of conservatism. It is a loose genie that cannot be put back in the bottle ever - but by making it difficult to raise a child as a single mother, and while that is true anyway, public assistance mitigates it. so in he end in a nutshell the Republicans have no hope of getting any orderly society back
Republicans have nothing to blame but the advancement of man technologically and the US Constitution itself. This how puts it . . .
"Conservatism in the United States is a political and social philosophy characterized by respect for American traditions, republicanism, limited government, support for Christian values,[1] moral universalism,[2] pro-business, opposition to trade unions, strong national defense, free trade,[3] protectionism,[4] anti-communism,[5][6] rugged individualism,[5] advocacy of American exceptionalism,[7] and a defense of tradition[5] and Western culture from the perceived threats posed by communism, socialism, and moral relativism.[8]
As with all major American political parties, liberty is a core value. American conservatives generally consider individual liberty—within the bounds of American values—as the fundamental trait of democracy; this perspective contrasts with that of modern liberals, who generally place a greater value on equality and social justice and emphasize the need for state intervention to achieve these goals.[9][10] American political conservatives believe in limiting government in size and scope, and in a balance between national government and states' rights. Apart from some right-libertarians, they tend to favor strong action in areas they believe to be within government's legitimate jurisdiction, particularly national defense and law enforcement. Social conservatives, many of them religious, often oppose abortion, civil unions, and same-sex marriage (i.e. supporting legislation defining marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman). They often favor Christian prayer in public schools and government funding for private Christian schools.[11][12][13][14]
Like most American political ideologies, conservatism originates from republicanism, which rejected aristocratic and monarchical government and upheld the principles of the United States Declaration of Independence ("that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness") and the United States Constitution (which established a federal republic under the rule of law). Conservative philosophy is also derived in part from the classical liberal tradition of the 18th and 19th centuries, which advocated for laissez-faire economics (i.e. economic freedom and deregulation).[15][16]
While historians such as Patrick Allitt and political theorists such as Russell Kirk assert that conservative principles have played a major role in American politics and culture since 1776, they also argue that an organized conservative movement with beliefs that differ from those of other American political parties did not emerge in the United States until the 1950s.[17][18][19] The recent movement conservatism is today based in the Republican Party, which has adopted conservative policies since the 1950s; the Southern Democrats were also important early figures in the movement's history.[20][21][22][23] Conservative Republicans and Southern Democrats together formed the Congressional conservative coalition in 1937, which played a major legislative role for much of the 20th century."
BUT . . . here is the problem . . . with the advent of rapid communication people see and get other ideas from else where and will reject conservatism. For a real world example see Notions like I was born male, but I want to now be female - at least in appearance and appearance physiologically finds transgenderism on the rise and people who think others should accept their way of thinking. There are homosexual couples - now called "gay" who believe the same. There are cross-dressers and in Thailand they are called "lady-boys" such to the point one cannot be sure there speaking tot he opposite sex. It is pervasively displaying in most all entertainment media and it is nearly impossible to teach and maintain conservatism as so many want to be wild for the purpose of being "wild" to get attention. Social media promotes it and people can make money as "influencers". Shows like "survivor" is but the ultimate show of lying and manipulating to win a Million dollars if you are successful, and this is revered. While shows like "Jeopardy" and other intellectually based game shows are all but unknown today. Trivia shows like "The Weakest Link" do not really promote intellectualism but only are an extension of busy-body-ness. Even I do not like these things but nothing can be done about them but from an authoritarian type government America will never have.
So the Republicans have now found themselves in the wrong country, under the wrong form of government for their puritan Utopia. The trouble they have is largely Caucasian people believe in this and it is an exclusionary philosophy at its core. They do not want to live in a diverse neighborhood, and in many respects in America that might not be good because of the racial transgression at their hands and the lies they have told and premised and then reneged on. So the first aspect of conservatism was never really there - morals.
It has become about race . . . the only way that Caucasian can be safe is to live in Caucasian communities and keep others at bay. The problem is quite clear. It is when the Caucasians persist in trying to Bamboozle and hold down others - normally of other races that the problem arises which exists today. Trump is the chosen leader of a wild enough mental state to say what so many others think but are afraid to say or act on - because under the Constitution and US Law, it is largely illegal.
Thomas Friedman said it best on the CNN show "The Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer, that the Republican Party is now actually a "cult" with Trump as its leader in place of Jim Jones. . You can see the video here => I have no idea how longer they leave video archives up, but I also have a local copy if it gets taken down.
That is from a shown which must have aired November 13, 2020 and currently there is no transcript available yet of the full interview, but curiously on November 10, 2020 at 8:00 am this author sent an email to two CNN political correspondent analysts saying the exact same thin and clamming Trump was like Jim Jones. See My argument was due to Trump's celebrity he had sucked in Millions with his charm and lies, and none of these people even looked to see what his record actually was - they believed him blindly. Maybe one of them forwarded my email to him - as he is a columnist for the New York times. Either we think alike - at the same time - or there are lots of Americans seeing the same thing - except it is the Congress itself who is duped.
There is no secret Jim Jones looked a little like Elvis Presley. There is a gullibility to celebrity and a gene that causes it - the WTF-1 gene.
Many Americans warned that Trump should not be allowed to run for office because he was mentally unstable. There was no law to stop him. See What no one would see is the supporters who would amass under his presence in the Whitehouse.
Trump has raised the issue of just how incompetent is incompetence to vote? See for example. Most of his "base" where white men without a college education, but even many of them abandoned Trump in 2020. Trump was just to far over the top - or so confusing they could see no plan Trump had ever put forward for the Nation. Here this is an ugly dilemma - would someone vote for a person because they like the hair style - or worse that it is just Trump himself.?? Are they that dim-witted - well in many cases yes. Yet their vote is equal to a person who thinks about how the country needs to move forward and that is the very big problem it seems. See also and and
Another can "google" "Trump and racist" and up comes many source and articles on the issue. If he was not a racist there were be no such discussion at all because his behavior would have never even raised the question. See especially People who talk themselves out of the stark in their face reality that Trump is a racist - are closet racists themselves in excusing his conduct. They are also Anti-American - because they cannot see the damage it does to the society.
The Republicans have decided any vote works - and tell people anything just to get the vote. Trump goes one step further and keeps lying over and over - over 25,000 lies or misleading statements in his Presidency - according to and others - shamelessly knowing these voters of limited intellect will never figure it out anyway. Now the Electoral college is beginning show just much of a liability it is to democracy with dim-witted voters out there. The National Popular Vote is so clear - yet Trump in manner of counting is if he can just dissect the election by a few thousand here and there he can win the Presidency back. Now many Americans can see Trump's lunacy and are saying so out loud. See again
Mary Trump told us what Donald was going to do - and she is a mental health professional. See and
It is true many people vote for candidates for all kinds of ridiculous reasons - and in this case many of the black vote turned out because Kamala Harris was on the ticket, and it is the same reason many of Trump supporters turned out - to stop another Obama era like administration from taking office. In the end they could not care what they are going tdo for the country or mankind to help make we all have a place to live as mankind and Trump like people continue to destroy planet Earth for human habitability while they line their pockets.
But . . .
Donald Trump’s continued effort to overturn the result of the election — an effort buttressed by the support of many Republicans in Congress, it should be noted — is nothing short of an attempt at a bloodless coup. What is driving this - from all concerned is Racism. How he and the others involved do no see they are exposing themselves is amazing. We now have a picture of "racism alley" from the 19 attorneys general that signed on to the Texas lawsuit seeking in the US Supreme Court to block the electoral votes of the State of Pennsylvania and others which Trump lost.
Racism Alley courtesy of CNN - you can click on it for a larger view or open in new window.
The only way Trump could achieve his aim of denying Joe Biden his rightfully earned victory would be if some people or entities — state legislatures, judges or the Supreme Court — were to agree to throw out millions of legally cast and appropriate votes. (It is also worth noting that many of the jurisdictions being disputed are heavily Black.)
But a stinging defeat in the Supreme Court, packed with three justices of Trump’s own choosing, seems to have slammed the door on any legal path Trump might have had in his outrageous endeavor. The members of the Electoral College will met and confirmed Joe Biden, as the people already have.
And yet, on Saturday Trump continued to insist on Twitter that “I WON THE ELECTION IN A LANDSLIDE,” and that the Supreme Court ruling was incorrect: “This is a great and disgraceful miscarriage of justice. The people of the United States were cheated, and our Country disgraced. Never even given our day in Court!”
That same day, Trump flew over a “Stop the Steal” rally at Washington’s Freedom Plaza, where the Proud Boys were a prominent presence. In other protests things turned violent - so the real anarchists are Trump supporters.
He keeps lying to his supporters, telling them — partly out of pride, partly out of a craven quest for power — that he was cheated and that he actually won the election. Many of them believe him. Right-wing media have aided him in his deception, as have Republican officials, either through their public pronouncements or through their silence.
On Sunday, the House minority whip, Steve Scalise of Louisiana, appeared on “Fox News Sunday” and said:
“If you want to restore trust by millions of people who are still very frustrated and angry about what happened, that’s why you got to have this whole system play out.”
On Politics with Lisa Lerer: A guiding hand through the political news cycle, telling you what you really need to know.
But of course this isn’t about restoring faith in our elections; rather, it is about allowing Trump to further degrade that faith. Scalise and many other Republicans are accomplices in this crime against our democracy. Trump is still trying to steal this election, and they are outside revving the engine of the getaway car.
That a majority of all Republicans in the House of Representatives expressed support for the frivolous Texas lawsuit signals to me that the difference between liberals and conservatives is no longer about values; it is now about a fundamental belief in democracy. Republicans appear to be saying that not all votes matter or should be counted. This is voter suppression on the grandest of scales, because it is an attempt at voter erasure, at eliminating votes that have already been cast and counted.
All the while, Trump has continued to use the division and deception he has created to raise money. He has now collected more than $200 million in donations in support of his bogus election recounts.
But, as The New York Times reported earlier this month:
“Mr. Trump’s campaign apparatus has continued to aggressively solicit donations under the guise of supporting his various legal challenges to the election of Joseph R. Biden Jr., but as of now 75 percent of donations goes to a new political action committee that Mr. Trump formed in mid-November, up to the PAC’s legal limit of $5,000. The other 25 percent goes to the Republican National Committee. Only if a donor gives more than $6,000 do any funds go to Mr. Trump’s formal ‘recount’ account.”
Trump has realized that trying to steal the presidency is more lucrative than actually being president, so he won’t stop. We are witnessing one of the greatest grifts in the history of the presidency.
The presidency gave Trump something he always craved but never possessed: constant attention and real, legitimate power. And, once tasted, power is craved forever.
Trump has never believed in American democracy. He was never a student of history. He was never really a patriot.
When he foreshadowed his current behavior in 2016 by refusing to say that he would accept the results of that election as legitimate if he didn’t win, we knew. When he cozied up to the world’s dictators and spurned our allies, we knew. When he winked at hate groups by refusing to immediately and fulsomely condemn them, we knew.
Trump wants to operate a dictatorship behind a veil of democracy. He wants to wield power without winning it legitimately. He wants to manipulate his mob and prioritize it above the masses who oppose him.
Yes, Trump is attempting a coup, whether or not you want to call it that. But, no matter what you choose to call something, it will still be what it is.
So yes, Republicans if you do not distance yourself from a Racist then you are one by association. If you lie down with wild dogs you wake up with fleas.
(yes click on link above for more info - this is already underway enacted as law in several states)
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