Complete Socket making system for a prosthetic leg WITH VIDEO
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Complete Socket making system for a prosthetic leg WITH VIDEO and instructions on how to do it.
O.K. - so either there is no insurance or it does not cover a prosthetic.
[ You can opt out of Google Ads if you are a registered user at /ad-options ]Maybe that 20% co-pay is just a bit much . . . for an over-priced bunch of nuts, bolts and carbon fiber casting your can see you can find here cheaper and do yourself.
"Real" amputees learn how to take care of themselves - as they wear the darn thing anyway.
The missing link is the socket - how do you get one or make one?
What about the parts and materials you need?
Well . . . technically while a prosthetic requires a doctor's prescription - mainly the reason is to TELL the prostheticist how and what to build - which is not happening these days - it is other way around, you can build you own socket easier than you think right at your home; the parts and materials to build one yourself usually do not need a prescription. (Only a knee or foot if bought new from a supplier)
This comes with a one and one-half hour video that shows you how to cast a (your) stump, cast and make the socket, and setup the leg properly after.
How ? . . . . First you cast your own stump - or have someone help. We tell you how in the kit, and show you on the video. Then you make a reverse of the stump - the pic you see of this listing.
We tell you how in the kit, and show you on the video. You finish it smooth. Now for the hard part and the need for the things in the kit - and the instructions on how to do it - to make the actual socket. We tell you how in the kit, and show you on the video.
Then the attachment method for the knee and leg parts - a four bolt attachment plate for "one-shot" embedding included in the kit. We tell you how in the kit, and show you on the video. Four attachment bolts you use in keeping the holes available on the plate while molding the socket, and then attach the pyramid mounting plate to it. You watch the video which shows the complete of an actual socket from start to end; and read the instructions carefully, and then do it !!!
In the kit you get for making a direct contact suction socket . . .
* A Pint of casting resin and hardener with four rubber gloves
* About .5 cu ft casting plaster.
* 2 Special molding bags
* 1 - 3 ft length of Special carbon fiber reinforcing tube cloth
* 2 - 3 ft lengths (6ft total uncut) of Special nylon fiber reinforcing tube cloths
* Direct contact type socket air valve - various brands
* Steel 1/4 inch threaded four bolt plate attachment hardware plate for one-shot embedding into socket
* Four bolts and vinyl sleeve tube to fit over threads to protect during one-shot embedding during casting of socket
* 1 hour email tech support
* Source list for other materials
* A full 1.5 hour video showing step by step on casting your stump, making a check socket if you want, adjusting it yourself if you want, and on how it is done making an actual socket. ( tells you how to shortcut on some tools and plaster savings too)
* Instructions with some pictures
You can do this - it is designed for non artistic types. You can make a socket as good as any prostheticist. What you will need is a power drill minimum and some drill bits of various sizes, grinding and cutting wheels or a hand grinder (about $20.00 each at Harbor Freight - $10.00 if you catch the sale) A way to pull vacuum - either from an air compressor suction inlet side (rent one or buy an el cheapo) or a refrigeration vacuum pump or air compressor vacuum adapter (use on rented unit) like from Harbor Freight for about 15.00 Some sandpaper, good sense and ability to follow directions and the video included. Miscellaneous odds and ends like tape, tubing for vacuum air supply etc.
Most International shipping is $39.95
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6. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The term "Confidential information" means any information or material which is proprietary to the Owner, whether or not owned or developed by the Owner, which is not generally known other than by the Owner, and which the Recipient may obtain through any direct or indirect contact with the Owner.
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7. PROTECTION OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Recipient understands and acknowledges that the Confidential Information has been developed or obtained by the Owner by the investment of significant time, effort and expense, and that the Confidential information is a valuable, special and unique asset of the Owner which provides the Owner with a significant competitive advantage, and needs to be protected from improper disclosure. In consideration for the receipt by the Recipient of the Confidential Information, the Recipient agrees as follows:
a) No Disclosure. The Recipient will hold the Confidential Information in confidence and will not disclose the Confidential Information to any person or entity without the prior written consent of the Owner.
b) No Copying/Modifying. The Recipient will not copy or modify any Confidential information without the prior written consent of the Owner.
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18. INJUNCTION. It is agreed that if Licensee Party violates the terms of this Agreement irreparable has and will occur, and money damages will be in sufficient to compensate THIS SELLER, Therefore, THIS SELLER or the agent thereof will be entitled to seek injunctive relief (i.e,. a court order that requires Licensee Party to comply with this Agreement) to enforce the terms of this Agreement.
19. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California.
20. ENFORCEABILITY AND APPLICABILITY This Agreement is in force majure upon receipt of funds, delivery or shipping of the product, and this agreement may be modified by THIS SELLER upon service of any amendment upon the Licensee Party if not objected to within 5 days. If you purchase and seek reimbursement through an insurance carrier, we will then refund your purchase price AFTER payment is approved AND received from the carrier only. If the reimbursement effort is not successful and / or denied, then there is still no refund, but your warranty on new or rebuilt units will apply only submitted through US, per the manufacturer's normal warranty policies and your compliance to our instructions and demands of proof of proper set up.