Your Hosting 99.9% up-time CMS web retailing package and database setup
Pestanas principais
For new clients - we offer a complete 99.9% up-time web retailing package with Point of Sale AND web retailing software with YOUR Stripe account.
Set up on our your Hosting company we approve use of
It is installed and setup for you and we hand you the password (the keys) and off you go. (of course then change the password)
[ You can opt out of Google Ads if you are a registered user at /ad-options ]New clients only. We can bring your domain to your hosting company from another if you want however.
The webstore is Ubercart ( Commerce on Drupal 8 and up) and has a lot of features that can be enabled and used including an Affiliate system, coupon codes, and drop shipping service for your items to be order fulfilled shipped by a third party company
You pay all fees, and control the backend of your site completely includes zero hours per year of consulting or screw up assistance - provided you keep regular backups, but NOT teaching. We do the first one back up only when we set up the account.
It will do just about anything you want; however, if you have questions contact us first.
You can visit ,to see an example, and you can use a simple Paypal, Amazon paymnts and/or Stripe checkout merchant set-up for your webstore OR we are an qualified engineering merchant setup reseller - so we can also set up through your bank your existing merchant account so you can accept credit cards direct.