Amputation and the Lies they tell you . . . (a book with coupon)
التبويبات الأساسية
This is a book, perfect bound - ISBN 1-891950-99-1.
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It has information on how to self-help build and repair yourself a leg prosthetic, including the socket. It includes a $100 coupon good towards purchase of your first item, so in essence the book is saves you $50 more when you buy your first item - or you could say the book is in essence free.
The real value of the book is to license you for consulting, and an ability to make certain patented items for yourself (not for re-sale) by a prostheticist and to provide you some assistance on how to do build a prosthetic and get you able to get parts direct - new. The prosthetic industry wants to beleive there is something special about building a leg prosthetic when there is not.
If you do not know where to start, or you have an amputation coming up you will be subjected to - this book is for you. The prosthetic industry wants to keep you from buying parts direct, like external prosthetic things and parts are controlled medical devices, when the truth is - they are NOT controlled medical devices.
This belief came about when and because Insurance carriers required a prescription from a Medical Doctor before they would be able to PAY for a prosthetic item - and has been grossly twisted and distorted as to the truth and distributors and most prosthetic manufacturers thus will not sell direct - actually simply because they just want to deal with personnel who know the jargon and because manufacturers warranties are tied to proper installation. the FDA which regulates the prosthetic industry, only considers INTERNAL (i.e. surgical devices like hip replacements etc) prosthetic "medical devices" which require approval and thus prescriptions.
There are interesting things you should know about drugs, the insurance industry, Medicare and Medicaid as it relates to prostheses, and why a prostheticist is really not your friend.
Softcover, 133 pages - some illustrations $49.95 plus shipping